
Taking a Natural Approach to Pediatric Care

Episode Summary

On this episode of KidzDocTalk, Dr. Jennie and PA's Fort Lauderdale South's Lead Physician, Dr. Jamilah Grant-Guimaraes, discuss CAM - Complementary & Alternative Medicine. CAM are medicines and treatments not considered conventional but used by many patients and families. Examples include ginger, glucosamine & chondroitin, fish oils, and chamomile. These products are generally not regulated, and manufacturers are often not required assure safety. Some are quite benign, but there are risks associated with their use - particularly with infants, children, and pregnant women. Also, many can react dangerously with prescribed medications and treatments.

Episode Notes

This episode covers the following topics:

-common alternative treatments patients and families use

-common pediatric conditions where the use of alternative therapies is sometimes recommended

-dangers or potential harmful effects of alternative therapies

-treatments that people may  not realize fall into the “natural” or unregulated category

-evidence of alternative therapies that work or does not work

-educating and talking to your kids about knowing the safety of taking alternative therapies

-natural does NOT = SAFE

About Dr. Jamilah Grant-Guimaraes

J. Grant-Guimaraes, MD, FAAP earned her MD from Boston University. She has been in practice for 30 years and has worked in academic medicine and as a hospitalist. Dr. J. Grant-Guimaraes developed and directed Pediatric Clerkship at Hofstra University and has now been the Lead Physician at Pediatric Associates Fort Lauderdale South location for 5.5 years.